- Assembly & installation instructions for the prl PLCW-600-700-1000 -

These installation instructions are generic in nature but specific to the PRL curtain wall systems. They are specific to all of PRL’s curtain- walls including the PLCW-600, PLCW-700 and PLCW-1000. Because each project will have differing conditions, each project should have job specific drawings prepared by journeymen drafters or engineers who are familiar with curtain-wall construction and have an intimate understanding of PRL’s curtain wall system and how to integrate it into the construction details specific to the project it is being used on. The shop drawings will take precedence over these instructions as they are project specific. You may refer to PRL’s test reports for further familiarity with construction details of the curtain walls. When in doubt contact your PRL technical representative.
Engineering calculations and shop drawing review should be performed by a professional engineer.
We sell only to bona fide professional glazing contractors and we expect that you employ seasoned journeymen who have apprenticed and been trained in all aspects of fenestration construction and assembly. We expect that you are familiar with, and have installed products of same and similar type.

You should be aware of local building codes and practices and be sure to comply with them. PRL has no ability to ensure you are com- plying and practicing in accordance with them and assumes no responsibility for your compliance.
Coordinate with your sealant supplier to be sure you are using the correct sealants. Coordinate with the sealant supplier to be sure of compatibility and adhesion with all curtain wall and building components. Have your sealant supplier test for compatibility and adhe- sion with all curtain wall and building components on each project you perform and give you a written report stating that all materials conform.

These installation and assembly instructions refer you to areas where caulking seals are required. In each case you must fully clean the surface that the caulking is to adhere to. You will clean using sealant manufactures recommended solvents. You will use any adhesion primers or adhesion promoters that the sealant supplier recommends to you.
These instructions show one of many acceptable steps to fabricate and install the curtain wall system. It is not always necessary to fol- low these instructions in the exact order we have suggested but you should be familiar enough with the construction of PRL’s curtain wall should you decide to deviate and specify an alternate order of fabrication and assembly. When in doubt contact your PRL technical representative.

Isolate and separate aluminum products from steel, masonry and cementitious materials. We recommend a heavy coat of bituminous paint.


We recommend that after 5% of the project has been glazed and completed a water test be performed in accordance with AAMA- 501.2. We recommend this test be repeated every time an additional 10% has been completed until the project is 100% complete.

Check all shipments from PRL immediately upon receipt thereof. Check for damage, count and quality. Inform your PRL service representative immediately of errors, omissions, questionable quality or damage.

PRL’s products are constantly being refined, improved and expanded. Check for latest bulletins and publications. If in doubt of any item or procedure contact your PRL technical representative.


Documents applicable and supplemental to these installation instructions include but are not limited to the following. We expect that you, the professional glazier are familiar and compliant with them all.

AAMA 501.2-09 Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems.

AAMA 501-05      methods of test for exterior walls.

AAMA 502-08      Voluntary specifications for field testing of newly installed fenestration products.

AAMA 503-08                     Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems

AAMA 609 & 610-09          cleaning and maintenance guide for architecturally finished aluminum.

AAMA 851-09                                           fenestration sealants guide for windows, window walls and curtain walls

AAMA AFPA-91                                           Anodic Finishes/Painted Aluminum

AAMA CW 10-04 Care and Handling of Architectural Aluminum from Shop to Site AAMA CW-13-85 structural sealant glazing systems
AAMA CWG-1-89 Installation of Aluminum Curtain Walls

AAMA 609 & 610 Cleaning and Maintenance Guide for Architecturally Finished Aluminum AAMA TIR A9-91 metal curtain wall fasteners

AAMA TIR A14-10              fenestration anchorage guidelines

GANA                                 Glazing manual (50th anniversary edition)

GANA    2008                     sealant manual

GANA 2009                         laminated glazing reference manual


gaskets should always be cut longer than the calculated lenght this process is known as “ crowding “
The following chart gives crowding
factors for calculated lengths.












